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[33]  S. Berhanu, On microlocal analyticity of solutions of first-order nonlinearPDE, Annales de l’Institut Fourier 59, Number 4 (2009), 1267–1290

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[37]  S. Berhanu and J. Hounie, A Generalization of Bochner’s Extension Theoremto Rough Tubes, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 21, Number 2 (2011), 455–475.

[38]  Z. Adwan and S. Berhanu, On microlocal analyticity and smoothness of solu-tions of first order nonlinear pdes, Mathematische Annalen, 352 , Number1 (2012), 239–258.

[39]  S. Berhanu and J. Hounie, A Class of FBI Transforms, Communications inPartial Differential Equations, 37, (2012), 38–57.

[40]  S. Berhanu and J. Hounie, On vector fields in the plane with the reflectionproperty, Transactions of the AMS, 366, (2014), 1703–1723.

[41]  S. Berhanu, On analyticity and smoothness of solutions for a class of firstorder nonlinear pdes, PROMS Springer-Verlag, to appear.

[42]  S. Berhanu and J. Hounie, Boundary behavior of generalized analytic func-tions, Journal of Functional Analysis, 266, (2014), 4121–4149.

[43]  S. Berhanu and Ming Xiao, On the C∞ version of the reflection principle for mappings between CR manifolds, American Journal of Mathematics, 137,(2015), 1365–1400.

[44]  S. Berhanu, The F. and M. Riesz theorem for nonelliptic Vekua’s equations,Methods and Applications of Analysis, 21, (2014), 283–290.

[45]  S. Berhanu and Ming Xiao, On the regularity of CR mappings between CR manifolds of hypersurface type, Transactions of the AMS, 369, (2017), 6073–6086.

[46]  S. Berhanu and Abraham Hailu, Characterization of Gevrey regularity by aclass of FBI transforms, Novel Methods in Harmonic Analysis, Springer -Verlag (Birkhauser), 2, (2017), 451–482.

[47]  S. Berhanu and J. Hounie, The approximation theorem of Baouendi andTreves, Journal of Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 62, (2017),1425–1446.[48]  S. Berhanu and J. Hounie, A Hopf lemma for holomorphic functions in Hardyspaces and applications to CR mappings, Journal d’Analyse Mathematique,138, (2019), 835–855.

[49]  S. Berhanu and J. Hounie, A local Hopf lemma and unique continuation forthe Helmholtz equation, Communications in PDEs, 43, (2018,), 448–466.

[50]  S. Berhanu and Jemal Yusuf, Continuity of a class of FBI transforms on Sobolev spaces, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 46, No 3, (2020,), 797–808.

[51]  S. Berhanu, On holomorphic extendability and the strong maximum principle

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[52]  S. Berhanu, Boundary unique continuation for a class of elliptic equations, American Journal of Mathematics, 143, (2021), 783–810.

[53]  S. Berhanu, Boundary unique continuation for the Laplace equation and the biharmonic operator, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 31, Num- ber 1, (2023), 1–29.

[54]  S. Berhanu, A generalization of a microlocal version of Bochner’s theorem, Transactions of the AMS, 374, (2021), 5269–5285.

[55]  S. Berhanu, A local Hopf lemma and unique continuation for elliptic equa- tions, Advances in Mathematics, 389, (2021), 1–26.

[56]  S. Berhanu, Unique continuation for systems of first order pdes, Notices of the AMS, 68, Number 9, (2021).

[57]  S. Berhanu, A local Hopf lemma for the Kohn Laplacian on the Heisenberg group, Analysis and Mathematical Physics 12, 72 (2022).

[58]  S. Berhanu, Boundary unique continuation for elliptic real analytic differential operators, American Journal of Mathematics, to appear.

[59]  S. Berhanu and Xiaoshan Li, Rado’s theorem for CR functions on hypersur- faces, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 01763-x.

[60]  S. Berhanu, Unique continuation for continuous CR functions, preprint (2024).

[61]  S. Berhanu, A uniqueness theorem for elliptic equations and applications toCR mappings, preprint (2024).